Most Common Food Allergens

Permission to reproduce given by the ICPA & Kelly Hayford, C.N.C.

Blanket statements such as whole wheat, milk or soy are "good for you" are commonly accepted. These statements don’t take into account the fact that these are some of the most common food allergens, causing problems among increasing numbers of people today. These foods are certainly not good for those who are allergic or sensitive to them. And whether you currently show signs of being sensitive to them or not, it’s not wise for anyone to consume these common food allergens daily, as doing so can cause intolerances to develop.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Americans eat the most common food allergens every day—frequently three or more times a day, usually in the form of poor-quality fake-food products. Their digestive and immune systems degenerate as a result and intolerances to these and other foods develop. It’s the body’s way of trying to tell you "I’m sick of this food"—literally!

The most common food allergens include but are not limited to: alcohol, artificial additives (esp. sulfites & MSG), artificial sweeteners, chocolate & cola, citrus (esp. oranges), coffee & caffeine, corn & its derivatives, dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), eggs, gluten grains (wheat, spelt, oats, etc.), nightshades (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.), peanuts, preservatives, colorings, sugars (esp. refined), shellfish, soy, strawberries, and yeast.

I cannot stress enough the importance of discovering your specific food sensitivities. A woman once told me that no one in her family had any known food allergies. This same woman listed a slew of symptoms that she and her family had—digestive problems, headaches, joint pain, fatigue, sinus problems, ear infections and more. As I told her, if you’re discounting this information thinking it doesn’t apply to you or your family members, and yet you are experiencing any adverse health conditions, do yourself a big favor—think again! And stay tuned for the next article, Identifying Food Sensitivities.

Kelly Hayford, C.N.C. is the award-winning author of If It’s Not Food Don’t Eat It! As a former chiropractic assistant and junk-food junkie turned nutrition and health coach, Kelly has helped thousands restore their health, energy and natural weight.

For more information on Eating for Health including a FREE REPORT ~ Secrets to Overcoming Unhealthy Food Cravings, visit: or call 209-815-1444.


Are Food Allergies & Sensitivities Hijacking?

Permission to reproduce given by the ICPA & Kelly Hayford, C.N.C.

When most people think of allergies they think of breaking out in hives, a rash or having some other immediate, dramatic reaction. While that’s sometimes the case with food allergies, more often it’s not. The nuances of food intolerances are not completely understood, but we do know that there are essentially three different kinds of reactions.

One is said to be a classic allergic response in which the body exhibits an immediate antibody reaction. The other is often referred to as a food sensitivity, in which the immune system is also triggered but in a slower, less dramatic way. It can also happen that a person doesn’t have an immune response at all, but a particular food is nevertheless wreaking havoc on their body.

The problem of food sensitivities is quickly gaining in recognition as it has become widespread, and is associated with a multitude of symptoms and health conditions. As a result, it has become common practice for the terms food allergy, sensitivity, intolerance or reaction to be used interchangeably and refer to any one of these three scenarios. The bottom line is that no matter what you choose to call it, we’re talking about foods that don’t agree with your body.

Some experts estimate that 1 out of 3 people suffer from one or more food allergies, the majority of which go undiagnosed. I believe this is a conservative estimate as it only accounts for full-blown food allergies. Many people are eating foods—especially wheat, dairy, corn, soy and sugar—that are causing them digestive problems, constipation, inflammation, congestion, sinus problems, depression, and more. Although they may not show a full-blown allergy to these foods, they are nevertheless sensitive to them on other levels.

Accounting for food intolerances is especially important for children because they are even more sensitive. There are so many infants and toddlers for example, who spend the first few years of their lives suffering needlessly from a host of conditions, especially recurrent ear infections and digestive disturbances which are frequently remedied by eliminating offending foods.

Food Sensitivity Symptoms

Common symptoms associated with food allergies and sensitivities

Include but are not limited to: acne, anxiety / depression, arthritis /

inflammation, asthma / hayfever, ADD / ADHD, autism, bedwetting,

bronchitis, candida (yeast,) chronic fatigue, Chron’s & celiac disease,

Colitis / IBS, diabetes, ear infections, eczema / psoriasis, gallbladder

problems, headaches/migraines, hormonal imbalance, hyperactivity,

learning disorders, mood swings / brain fog, multiple sclerosis,

schizophrenia, sinusitis, sleep disorders

Note: After switching to raw dairy products from grass-fed cows, some people’s sensitivities to dairy subside.