The 3 Most Important Food Categories — Nobody Talks About!

Permission to reproduce given by the ICPA & Kelly Hayford, C.N.C.

Vegan, Paleo, raw, gluten free, low fat, vegetarian?? Contrary to popular belief, these are not the most important considerations when it comes to what you’re eating. The most important consideration to take into account is best illustrated by my food continuum display pictured here. It breaks food down into three simple general categories that make a clear distinction between what I call "fake-food brand" processed

foods, "natural-brand" processed foods and "whole, fresh, natural" foods.

Why are these categories the most important?

Because an estimated 90% of food budget

dollars in America today, are spent on the

processed, packaged, fake-food brand items on

the left; fake-food brand items that are not only

processed to the degree that they’re devoid of

most fiber, enzymes and nutrients, but also

contain toxic food additives that are actually harmful to the body. Most fake-food brand items are in fact, not really food because they are harmful rather than nourishing to the body -- and the reason behind my first Eating-for-Health Guideline: If it’s not food, don’t eat it!

Ideally, we’d all be eating the whole, fresh, natural REAL foods pictured to the right all of the time — as all generations have done before us. But it’s unrealistic to think that that’s going to happen any time soon. Doing so is too big a leap for those who have become accustomed to the convenience and taste of the fake foods, which is most everyone today. Some people, especially younger people, have never eaten anything else.

Make the Switch!

The best thing to do is to start moving in the direction of more real foods by switching from the fake-food brands to the natural-food brands in the middle. In fact, I believe it’s the least you can do for yourself and your family if you care about your health. Because NOT to do so is a sure recipe for dis-ease of every kind as we see increasingly happening throughout our country over the last few decades. Just from making this one simple change I’ve seen people lose weight and eliminate countless conditions, including depression, anxiety, digestive disturbances, seizures, migraines, ADHD/ADD and more.

Why do so many people experience so many improvements in their health just by switching to natural-food brands? Because generally speaking, the natural-food brands have overall better-quality ingredients and don’t contain the health-robbing, often toxic food additives found in the fake-food brands. And it’s surprisingly easy to do. Just switch out each of the fake-food items you buy regularly for the equivalent food item from a natural-food brand company. It’s that simple and easier than ever before!

Natural-food brand processed foods are available at all health food stores and also at most big-chain grocery stores, often in sections labeled "natural" foods. Because they’re largely non-perishable, you can also purchase most online, which is a great way to start familiarizing yourself with what’s available as well.

Natural-Brand Processed Foods

Here’s a list of just some of the natural-brand food companies that offer much better choices for you and your family: Alta Dena, Amy’s, Annie’s Naturals, Arrowhead Mills, Barbara’s Bakery, Bearito’s, Bob’s Red

The 3 Most Important Food Categories — Nobody Talks About!

Provided by Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, published by ICPA, Inc. For more information visit: and

Establishing and Advancing the Chiropractic Family Wellness Lifestyle

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Mill, Bragg’s, Cascadian Farms, Eden Foods, Fantastic Foods, Garden of Eatin’, Hain, Health Valley Horizons, Imagine Foods, Kettle Chips, Knudsen’s, Lundberg Farms, Newman’s Own, Pamela’s, Seeds of Change, Shari’s Organic, Shelton’s, Spectrum Naturals, Westbrae.

Whole, Fresh, Natural – REAL Foods

Remember that even though the natural-brand foods are a much better choice, they’re still processed foods. Your best choice is always going to be the whole, fresh, natural foods. At the same time you’re making the switch to better quality processed foods, you can also start slowly adding in more fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. That’s the easiest place to begin when it comes to getting more real foods in your diet. Our psyches love when we focus on adding things into our lives.

Every time you shop just pick up 1-3 fruits and 1-3 vegetables that you already know you love – or at least like or can tolerate, as I know some of you haven’t yet developed a taste for them. Fresh is always best, but do whatever you can at first to get started. Just be sure to check the labels for any unwanted additives if you’re going with canned or frozen.

Keep moving in the right direction – literally! – and you’ll have developed an ongoing Eating-for-Health lifestyle and be looking and feeling better quicker than you think.

Kelly Hayford, C.N.C. is the award-winning author of If It’s Not Food Don’t Eat It! As a former chiropractic assistant and junk-food junkie turned nutrition and health coach, Kelly has helped thousands restore their health, energy and natural weight.

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Finding Your Natural Weight

Permission to reproduce given by the ICPA & Kelly Hayford, C.N.C.

If you strive for thin, you’ll never win. Strive for health and thin will follow. – Elson Haas, M.D.

Maria was 280 pounds when she began an Eating-for-Health Lifestyle class. When I spoke with her five months later, she had lost 50 pounds at an average rate of ten pounds per month. She did so just by implementing the first two Eating-for-Health Guidelines, switching from fake-food brands to natural food brands, and eating nothing sweeter than fruit except on special occasions.

She was enjoying the new foods she discovered and no longer craved sweets. In fact, when her birthday came around, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she didn’t even want the cake and ice cream she used to die for. "I have done a gazillion diets over the years, only to gain it all back every time," Maria reported. "For the first time in my life I’m developing a lifestyle of healthy eating, that I feel I can actually live with for the rest of my life."

People often get obsessed with dieting. Instead, get obsessed with a healthier lifestyle and your weight will take care of itself. In addition to following the Eating-for-Health Guidelines outlined in a previous article, keep the following in mind to help.

Eat More, Weigh Less!

Eating clean, quality food at regular times throughout the day is one of the best strategies for boosting your metabolism, reducing cravings, balancing blood sugar—and yes, even losing weight. I see it all the time with my clients!

Other Factors to Consider in Finding Your Natural Weight

1. Stop eating foods that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). Unfortunately, it’s estimated to be in 60-90% of processed foods and disguised under numerous names. In addition to a host of other problems, MSG causes food cravings. That's one of the reasons manufacturers add it to their products—it’s a neurotransmitter that affects the hunger and weight control centers of the brain that keeps you coming back for more! MSG is actually fed to laboratory animals to fatten them up for research without increasing their food intake.

2. Drinking just one soda or sweetened beverage per day can increase the risk for obesity in children by 60%, according to a study cited in the Lancet. Needless to say, reducing or eliminating your sweetened beverage consumption can be tremendously helpful in finding and maintaining your natural weight. But don’t look to diet drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.

3. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing diet about foods and beverages that contain aspartame. Similar to MSG, aspartame is a neuro-toxic chemical that is addictive and causes people to crave junk foods and more artificially-sweetened beverages. There are many other harmful effects associated with aspartame as well. For more on this topic, read: Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, by Dr. Russell Blaylock. Sucralose or Splenda, also has a host of problematic side effects and should consequently be avoided as well.

4. The best no-calorie, non-toxic sweetener is stevia, a natural herb that actually helps you lose weight by reducing cravings for sweet and fatty foods. It also helps digestion which is important in reducing excess weight.

Finding Your Natural Weight

Provided by Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, published by ICPA, Inc. For more information visit: and

Establishing and Advancing the Chiropractic Family Wellness Lifestyle

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5. Food allergies and sensitivities can also interfere with your ability to lose weight. Many people have lost significant amounts of weight just by eliminating wheat, dairy or soy from their diets, for example.

6. There’s also a lot of hoopla about low- or no-fat diets these days. These diets can actually be harmful because our bodies need fat to function. The ‘good’ fats that is. The real problem is that people are eating mostly ‘bad’ fats and not getting any ‘good’ fats. Not getting the essential fats your body needs compromises every function in the body, including digestion and elimination, hormonal balance, brain function, the immune system, even metabolism. Eat more ‘good’ fats and less ‘bad’ fats and watch your health and energy go up and your weight go down.

7. High-protein diets can also be harmful. Sure you can lose weight, but often only temporarily, and at the risk of your overall health. If you’re going to eat anything in excess, make it fresh vegetables!

8. Cleansing and clearing your internal environment is an important part of any healthcare regime. Detoxifying the organs and systems of the body will help improve digestion and elimination, reduce food cravings, and increase metabolism—all of which add up to a trimmer, healthier, more energetic body. A Basic Elimination Diet is an easy, moderate form of a cleanse that can also help you identify food sensitivities. It’s a great place to start in establishing and maintaining your natural weight and an overall Eating-for-Health Lifestyle.

Kelly Hayford, C.N.C. is the award-winning author of If It’s Not Food Don’t Eat It! As a former chiropractic assistant and junk-food junkie turned nutrition and health coach, Kelly has helped thousands restore their health, energy and natural weight.

For more information on Eating for Health including a FREE REPORT ~ Secrets to Overcoming Unhealthy Food Cravings, visit: or call 209-815-1444.